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About The Club

"Providing support and enjoyment for the classic Honda enthusiast since 1978"

This page offers some information about what we regard as 'The Club' for Historic Hondas, however, if you have already decided to join us simply click here.



The Club was formed in the north of England in 1978. By chance two enthusiastic Manchester University engineering students shared accommodation in Salford, Manchester. One was a keen motorcyclist – and the other owned an S800. Soon the biker was persuaded that a car was a better bet in rainy Manchester and tracked down another S800. The duo were keen to know how many other owners and cars were in the UK and an advert was placed in Exchange and Mart magazine – which brought several responses and soon there was the nucleus of a Club. Early Club meetings were at a pub near Manchester called the Unicorn where the first AGM was held. There may have only been 4 members attending that first meeting but from these early fledgling beginnings a Club has emerged which is now recognised the world over as an enthusiastic participant of the "Classic Car Movement" with members in many countries around the world.

club agm

Our Organisation.

At the helm, a committee is elected each year at the Clubs Annual General Meeting, from nominee's taken from Club members. As a result the Club enjoys a friendly membership, all having a common interest in the S800 and more latterly, the N/Z family of cars.
It is the aim of the Club to promote and maintain interest in the Honda S800, and make the S800 a more enjoyable car to own by encouraging communication between as many owners and enthusiasts as possible. The Club enjoys an active membership who participate in various events.

You do not have to own a S800 to join us. In many cases enthusiasts join the Club to locate a car to purchase. We have listings of cars known to be presently available which can be accessed by Club members through our Forum.

Honda UK.

Within Great Britain we enjoy a good relationship with Honda UK, and have assisted them with their promotions from time to time. We have assisted with Honda's displays at the Goodwood Festival of Speed by supplying cars to this prestigious event. Honda UK kindly reciprocate by providing a stand for our annual attendance at the NEC Classic Car Show in November.
Club members cars have also been used by Honda U.K. and by numerous magazines both on the launch of new vehicles and for side by side comparisons with contemporary cars within classic car magazines.

Honda N and Z cars.

The Club has extended its scope of operation to include enthusiasts interested in the Honda N360/N600 & Z600 cars. These fascinating little air cooled 'twin' engined cars were the start of Hondas production of vehicles for mass transportation which today sees them established one of the major players in the worldwide market.
We have several members who own these examples of automotive history and we have a dedicated contact point within the club.
Spares for these vehicles are still available, and through the club you will also have access to invaluable expertise.

Club Website.

The award winning Club website is compiled of articles about recent events and offers, news of upcoming events of interest as well as a plethora of members articles and letters down the years such that this really is an invaluable source of information.

We have details of spares available – and where possible if alternatives can be used. We have sources for pattern parts if these are more readily available than the Honda items.

We also have copies of workshop manuals and spare parts listings accessible to members for free.


The Club Forum is a great place to advertise spares and cars for sale – and ask for spares as well! You can also ask 'How Do I' questions which hopefully somebody should know the answer to! You can also advise members who are stuck on a particular problem.

As a paid up member you will have access to additional pages on our Club Forum. This means you can advertise items for sale to members only if you wish, learn about exclusive club offers from time to time and chat away from the public eye – perhaps showing pictures of your renovation.

The new forum allows you to add photos direct from your device rather than using an external web host such as photo bucket. This makes it so much easier to add pictures.

club gathering

Join the Club

If you already own a Honda S800 or are contemplating buying one then you really should join the Club that knows them inside out.

We can offer you help and support in running and restoring these fascinating cars as well as all the usual social attributes of a members club. There are regular listings of cars and spares for sale within the Forum.

To sum up, as a member you will have:-

  • Access to a vast amount of technical knowledge.
  • The Club website available 24/7, including the Forum.
  • Invaluable contacts for spares and advice.
  • The opportunity to attend regular social events of interest and relevance to the marque.

How to Join

To join the club, please click here to go direct to our secure online application form and payment system. This service uses PayPal and as such accepts most major credit and debit cards. Overseas new members will be debited in their local currency using the current sterling exchange rate.

We look forward to welcoming you to one of the oldest and friendliest Clubs for Historic Hondas on the planet!.

© 2025 – Honda S800 Sports Car Club