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Club Rules


1. The name of the Club shall be the HONDA S800 SPORTS CAR CLUB.
2. The address of the Club shall be at such address as the General Committee shall from time to time determine.
3. The object of the Club shall be to promote and maintain interest in Honda S800 sports cars by whatever means deemed fit by the General Committee or by the Club in General Meeting. Interest in other cars specifically the S500, S600, N360, N600 and Z600 amongst Club members is also recognised, but the main thrust of the Club relates to the S800 marque.
4. The Club shall be a Members' club and shall consist of such members as are hereinafter mentioned.
5. The first five ordinary members shall be the following five persons, viz.: Mary Fernaly, Barry Fernaly, Geoffrey Holland, Christopher Martin Wilson and Lawton Chen who, having determined to form themselves into a club more than two days before these Rules are intended to become operative are in this Rule referred to as the Founder Members. Election to ordinary membership shall be by the General Committee of the Club who may delegate that authority to the Membership Secretary from time to time. No reasons shall be given to any candidate in the event of rejection.
6. Honorary Members, who shall not be liable to pay any subscription but shall be entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary membership, may be elected by the General Committee of the Club to reflect specific contributions by members. Honorary membership shall be reviewed by the General Committee after ten consecutive years of Honorary membership.
7. No person shall be admitted to Ordinary membership until elected as in Rule 5, and until he/she shall have paid his first Annual Subscription to the Treasurer.

Committee and Officers

8a. The affairs of the Club, in all matters not in these Rules reserved for the Club in General Meeting, shall be managed by the General Committee of the Club.
8b. The General Committee shall consist of not less than five Ordinary or Honorary Members of
the Club who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, excepting as in Rule 9 below. They shall go out of office in every year, but shall be eligible for re-election.
8c. The General Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Magazine Editor or Website Management Officer and at least one other officer(s) who shall be elected as such.
8d. The General Committee may appoint one or more subcommittees for such purposes as they may deem appropriate. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the General Committee and two a quorum of a subcommittee.
8e. The General Committee may appoint Area Representatives or Social Media Representatives to assist in the objective of the Club as stated in Rule 3. Such representatives are encouraged to attend Committee meetings but may only vote in Committee on matters which:
i) do not directly affect the constitution of the Club or these rules.
ii) are not matters specifically deemed the responsibility of the General Committee by virtue of these rules.
8f. In the event of equality of voting in the General Committee the Chairman shall have a second, casting, vote.
9. The General Committee shall be voted in during the first meeting of the Founder Members, and shall stay in office for the first two years duration of the Club, after which they will go out of office but will be eligible for re-election.
10. The General Committee shall have the power at any time and from time to time to fill any casual vacancy among the Committee. Any member of the General Committee so appointed shall hold office only until the until the next following Annual General Meeting of the Club, but shall then be eligible for re-election..
11. A President may be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and will stay in office for one year, after which the General Committee will determine whether to propose re-election or to confer the honour on another member. The title of President will be a non-executive honorary role intended to reflect appreciation of the membership for past services to the Club. The President will be expected to represent the Club with appropriate authority from time to time as requested and/or directed by the General Committee. The President will be invited to attend meetings of the General Committee, but will not be obligated to do so.
12. The General Committee will determine whether the Clubs assets require appointment of Trustees. If deemed required there shall be a minimum of two Trustees of the Club who shall be re-appointed from time to time as necessary by the Club in General Meeting from among Ordinary or Honorary members who are willing to be so appointed. A Trustee shall hold office during their life, or until they shall resign by notice in writing given to the General Committee, or until a resolution removing them from office shall be passed at a General Meeting of the Club, by a majority comprising 60% of the members present and entitled to vote.
13a. All property of the Club shall be held by the Trustees for the time being, in their own names and so far as necessary and practicable, for the use and benefit of the Club, On the death, resignation or removal from office of a Trustee, the General Committee shall take steps to procure the appointment by the Club in General Meeting of a new Trustee in their place, and shall as soon as possible thereafter take all lawful and practicable steps to procure the vesting of all Club property into the name of the new Trustee as constituted after the said appointment.
13b. The Trustees shall in all respects act, in regard to any property held by them, in accordance with the directions of the General Committee; and shall have the power to sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any Club property for the purpose of raising or borrowing money for the benefit of the Club in compliance with the General Committee's directions.

Subscriptions, Finances and Accounts

14. The Annual subscription for Ordinary Membership shall be such sums as the General Committee shall annually determine. The subscriptions shall change in value, if the General Committee so decides, after each twelve month period and any changes determined before the end of this period will become effective on 1st day of April of that year.
15. Annual subscriptions will be payable on election as provided in rule 7 and thereafter annually without demand, with one reminder.
16. If any member shall fail to pay his full subscription within 31 days after it has become due the Membership Secretary shall send him a notice in writing to his address or email address as recorded in the records of the Club calling on them to pay the same within 7 days. If they shall fail to pay his subscription the General Committee shall be entitled to terminate their membership without further notice.
17. The Treasurer shall keep such proper books of accounts as will enable him/her to present at every Annual General Meeting of the Club, or at any other time if required (on reasonable notice to him/her) by the General Committee, an accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Club, and shall present such statement accordingly.
18. The Treasurer will deposit to gain interest such portions of Club funds as are not immediately required. No money or property of the Club or gain arising from the carrying on of the affairs of the Club shall be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club as a whole or for some charitable, benevolent purposes chosen by a resolution at General Meeting.
19. An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on such date as the General Committee shall decide, and there shall be not more than eighteen months between one Annual General Meeting and the next. Notice of the month and day of the Annual General Meeting shall be made to all members at least twenty one days before the date of the Meeting, as prescribed in Rule 26.
20. A General Meeting of the Club may be summoned at any time by the General Committee, and shall be summoned immediately upon ten members (each being entitled under Rule 21 to vote) delivering to the General Committee a written request in that behalf. Such requisition must state the exact purpose for which the Meeting is required. A General Meeting of the Club shall be summoned by causing a notice thereof to be sent to all members of the Club at their address as recorded in the Club's books at least fourteen days before the day appointed for the meeting but this period may be abridged in the discretion of the General Committee if the urgency of the business to be discussed in their opinion so requires.
21. At any General Meeting of the Club every member of the Club shall be entitled to be present, and every Ordinary or Honorary Member shall be entitled to vote on every question raised. In the case of equality of voting, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second and casting vote. The Chairman of the General Committee of the Club will normally be the Chairman of the Meeting, but if they shall not be present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for the Meeting or has signified their inability to be present at the Meeting, the members present and entitled to vote shall choose one of their number to be Chairman of the Meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for the taking of minutes of the proceedings at all General Meetings of the Club.
22. The business at a General Meeting shall be limited to that provided by these Rules and those further matters set out in the notice convening the Meeting.
23. The General Committee may from time to time make, vary and revoke Bye laws (not inconsistent with the Rules of the Club) for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and the conduct of the Members, and the Bye laws for the time being in force shall be binding on all members.
24. No lottery shall be promoted by any Member or officer on behalf or in any way connected with the Club or with any entertainment or event held by or in connection with the Club without previous written authority of the General Committee.
25. The General Committee shall have the power to expel any Member who shall offend against the Rules of the Club or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the General Committee render him/her unfit for membership of the Club. Before any such Member is expelled the Secretary shall give him/her seven days notice to attend a Meeting of the General Committee and shall inform him/her of the complaints made against him/her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the General Committee and answering complaints made against him/her nor unless at least two thirds of the General Committee then present vote in favour of his/her expulsion.
26. Each Member shall keep the Membership Secretary informed, at such address as the General Committee shall from time to time determine, of their private address or of some other address including email address if the member prefers at which communications may be addressed to them. The Secretary shall be responsible to send notice of General Meetings to all members at their addresses as shown on the Club's books, which shall be kept updated as Members changes of addresses are made, by them. Such notices will normally be dispatched, where convenient, through any combination of the Club's Website, magazine, newsletter or via email.
27. These Rules may be revoked, added to or altered by a majority of 60% of the Members present and entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Club of which notice has been duly given under Rule 19 or 20 specifying the intention to propose the revocation, addition, or alteration, together with full particulars thereof, and providing that no less than five Members are present.
28. Any dispute arising out of, or not covered by, these Rules shall be referred to the General Committee, whose decision will be final.
29. Deleted section.
30. Neither the Club nor any Officers thereof shall be liable to any Member for any loss or damage to property, occurring, from whatever cause, in or about Club business or Meetings, or at any gathering or function of the Club nor for any injury or death sustained by any Member during any gathering, function or Meeting of the Club, or whilst about Club business. It shall not be necessary for a notice to this effect to be displayed in any position, excepting where it may be required by Common Law.
31a. If at any time the Club shall pass in General Meeting by a majority comprising 60% of the Members present and entitled to vote (with the provision that there shall be more than five Members present and entitled to vote) a resolution (in this Rule called the 'first resolution') of its intention to dissolve, the General Committee, or failing them the Trustees, shall take immediate steps to convert into money all the property of the Club, with the power however to postpone or delay the conversion of any particular property of the Club that the Club in General Meeting shall so decide. Out of the proceedings of such conversion, the General Committee, or the Trustees, shall discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club, including the expenses of such conversion, and any balance remaining in their hands shall be divided equally between all persons who were Members of the Club at the date of the First Resolution, unless the cost of returning the share to all the Members would exceed the value of the assets, in which case the balance shall be given to a Charity chosen by the General Committee, or the Trustees.
31b. A copy of the notice convening any General Meeting under this Rule shall be sent to every Member at their address last notified to the Secretary under Rule 26 not less than fourteen days before the date appointed for the Meeting; but any omission to send such copy or the non-receipt of the same shall not invalidate any proceedings or resolution.

Byelaws (1990)

B1. The address of the Club for the time being shall be that of the Membership Secretary, an address situate in England.
B2. Correspondence addressed to the Club which is received at the address in Bye law B1, or if it is received by any other Committee member or Area Representative, shall be forwarded without undue delay by that officer to the appropriate other Officer of the Club responsible for the subject matter it contains. Where the subject matter of such correspondence is of concern to several officers, it shall be forwarded by the recipient in copy form to each of them, or to the Chairman for reply. Where it contains a complaint about the Club, it shall be forwarded to the Chairman immediately and its receipt must be acknowledged by the Officer receiving it, saying that it has been so forwarded, without further comment. Forwarding by email is an acceptable method.
B3. Election of Members: For the time being, the General Committee delegates to the Membership Secretary the powers in Rules 5 and 7 in relation to the approval of candidates to new members of the Club.
B4. Duplication of office: For the time being, no officer of the Club shall be eligible to hold more than two of the Clubs committee offices at the same time unless the General Committee deems it to be necessary on a temporary or acting basis by reason of illness, incapacity or injury to, or death of, an office holder.
B5. Meetings of the General Committee shall be due to be convened at intervals, normally quarterly.
B6. An officer wishing to submit their resignation from office shall communicate the fact to the Chairman.
B7. An officer shall maintain files of correspondence received and sent on behalf of the Club and on relinquishing such office shall be duty bound to hand over all such files and other property of the Club to their duly appointed successor within 10 days of the event. If the outgoing Officer will be precluded by holiday or personal arrangements from meeting the time specified for handing over such Club property, they shall notify the Chairman accordingly at the time of submitting their resignation in accordance with Bye law 6, and will honour this obligation by surrendering such materials to another named Club officer or Trustee within 10 days who will accept them instead on the Club's behalf.
B8. Individual members of the Club shall be at liberty to enter into correspondence with the Press and public or social media, or to be the subject of media interest articles, concerning Honda Sports Cars, provided that they do not therein claim to have responsibility for representing the views of the membership as a whole or the Policy of the Clubs General Committee or other appointed officers. They shall also be at liberty to express opinions which may be considered by other members to be controversial or mistaken, provided always that they make it clear that any such opinions are personal to them and are not necessarily those of other members, Officers, or of the Club as a whole.
B9. Requests for expressions of Club Policy are to be referred to the Chairman who may, in consultation with the General Committee, or individual Officers, or the Membership as a whole, determine the appropriate reply or response to be given.
B10. The Committee may from time to time use various forms of media to promote the Club. This may include the use of, or formation of, a website from time to time.
a). If a Club website is to be used or created then the Committee will appoint a person to the role of Website Management Officer. Such a person may be an existing Committee member or another ordinary member (subject to the provisions of rules 8 and 10).
b). The Website Management officer will act upon the advice and policy of the Committee as a whole with regard to such matters as content and costs of the website which shall be determined by General Committee meeting from time to time as outlined under bye law B5.
c). Paragraph deleted – Note – incorporated in B11 below.

B11 Data Protection

a). The General Committee shall ensure that a Data Protection Policy is created and regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with relevant legislation or best practices is used for all Club Administrative activities.
b). The General Committee shall regularly review the need for a Data Protection Officer. In the case a DPO is demonstrated as not specifically required, the General Committee shall ensure a member is identified to be responsible for Data Protection matters.
b). A Data Privacy Policy shall be established, regularly reviewed, and shared with Members at the time they join the Club and also made available for reference via the Club Website.
Members Personally Identifiable or Sensitive information are not to be held by the Club on a Club owned or administered website or database without the express consent of the member.
Electronic records are to be used for Club administrative purposes only. Any member who requests it in writing is entitled to receive, within 30 days of his request, a print out of all data held about him in the Club's electronic records as they stood at the date of his request.

Amended September 3rd 2022, agreed at 2022 AGM, effective October 12, 2022

© 2024 – Honda S800 Sports Car Club